Beacons Network

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did I receive an email and who sent it?

A friend or family accessed one of our beacons and send you a message. This message was transmitted to our servers and we delivered it to your inbox.

Can I reply back to the sender?

You can reply to the senders as you would on a regular email. However, it's possible the sender won't have internet access temporarily and won't be able to read your email.

How much does the service cost?

It is free to send and receive any message through out network.

What is Beacon Networks?

Beacon Networks is a solution that allows people without internet access send a message to their loved ones. The solution is designed to operate in the aftermath of large scale disasters, when cellular networks and prower grids are down. The solution has two parts:

To make sure the maximum number of people can send a message to their loved ones, and due to the bandwidth limitations of satellite communications, users can only fill a predefined form with the following information:

How can I contribute to the project?

Beacon Networks is currently at an early stage. If you have any question or comment, send us an email.